The Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment is one of the oldest Ministries in Nigeria. It began as a Department of Labour in the then Colonial office in 1932 and developed into a full-fledged Ministry in 1952. The functions and responsibilities of the Ministry are captured on the Exclusive Legislative List, under Section 169, item 34, Second Schedule of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as amended.
The Ministry is structured into six Zonal labour offices, Fourteen Departments consisting of seven Professional and seven Service Departments. It operates through 36 State Labour Offices and the FCT, 23 District Labour Offices and the Labour Desk Office, Geneva, Switzerland. Recently nine (9) Labour Desks were approved for nine Ministries, Department and Agencies. In addition, it oversees Five (5) Parastatals and relates with several national and international Bodies and Organizations.
Departments of the Ministry
- Inspectorate
- Employment and wages
- Trade Unions Services and Industrial Relations
- Productivity Measurement and standards
- Social Security and Cooperatives Development
- Skills Development and Certification
- Occupational Safety and Health
- Policy Analysis Research and Statistics
- Human Resources
- Finance and Accounts
- Special Duties and projects
- General Services
- Reform Coordination and Service Improvement
- Procurement
Six (6) Zonal Labour Offices:
- South West –Lagos
- South East – Enugu
- South-South – Rivers
- North-East – Bauchi
- North-West – Kaduna
- North- Central – Benue
Agencies of the Ministry
- National Directorate of Employment (NDE)
- National Productivity Centre (NPC)
- Michael Imoudu National Institute for Labour Studies (MINILS)
- Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund (NSITF)
- Industrial Arbitration Panel (IAP).
Local and International Social Partners
- Local:
- Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and affiliate registered Trade Unions
- Trade Unions Congress (TUC) and affiliate registered Trade Unions
- Nigeria Employers’ Consultative Association (NECA) and all affiliate employers and registered Employers’ Associations
- International:
- International Labour Organization (ILO)
- Africa Regional Labour Administration Centre (ARLAC)
- Organization of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU)
- Africa Union, Labour and Social Affairs Commission (AULSAC)
- Organization Of Trade Union of West Africa
- Pan African Employers Association
- Pan African Productivity Association (PAPA)
- International Social Security Association (ISSA)
- Councils of the Ministry
- National Labour Advisory Council (NLAC)
- National Industrial Safety Council of Nigeria (NISCN)
- National Council on Productivity (NCP)
- National Employment Council (NEC)
- Development and promotion of productive employment policies and programmes for employment generation and actualization of national employment policies of the Federal Government.
- Stimulation and enhancement of national Productivity Consciousness, rewards for excellence and promotion of national competitiveness.
- Skills Development, upgrading, certification, placement and empowerment of artisans, tradesmen and applicants in various areas of national needs
- Provision of Social Security Coverage, Welfare and Employee’s Compensation to the nation’s workforce
- Provision of Labour Protection Services, supervision, enforcement, Education, Promotion of Social Justice, Ratification, Implementation and Review of National Labour Laws and Policies including collective bargained agreements.
- Trade Unions Education and Training
- International Labour Diplomacy
- Promotion of Occupational Safety and Health
- Enforcement of the Labour Laws
Vision Statement:
A sustainable enabling environment for full labour force participation through skills development, employment creation, enhanced productivity and peaceful industrial relations that promote decent work principles and practices Mission Statement: To mobilize and deploy resources for a well-coordinated labour administration system and labour force participation in national development built on the principles of Decent Work.
Policies and Guidelines:
- National Policy on Employment
- National Policy on Productivity
- National Policy on Occupational Safety, Health and Welfare
- National Policy on HIV/AIDS at work
- National Policy on Labour Migration
- National Policy on Child Labour
- Guideline on labour Contracting and Outsourcing in the oil and gas industry
- Guidelines on Skills Development and Training
- Guidelines on Recruiters Licence and Labour Contractors
- National List of Hazardous Child Labour
Legal Instruments for Labour Administration:
- 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, as amended.
- Labour Act, Cap L1, LFN, 2004.
- Trade Unions Act, Cap T14, LFN, 2004.
- Trade Unions (Amended) Act, 2005.
- Trade Disputes Act, Cap T8, LFN, 2004
- Trade Disputes (Essential Services) Act, Cap T9, LFN, 2004
- National Minimum Wage Act, 2019
- Employee’s Compensation Act, 2010
- Wages Board and Industrial Council Act, 2004
- Cooperative Development Act, CAP C27, 2004
- Cooperative Societies Act, CAP C35, 2004
- Factories Act, CAP F1, LFN, 2004
- Lifting and Allied Work Equipment (Safety) Regulations, 2018
- Boiler and Pressure Vessel Regulations, 2018
- Factories (Diving at Work) Regulations, 2018
- Public Service Rules, Circulars and Notices
- ILO Conventions, Recommendations and Protocols